Military Academies

Explore opportunities at our military academies and ROTC programs.

 West Point U.S.N.A.   U.S.M.M.     Coast Guard
 Air Force
West Point
Naval Academy
Coast Guard

In order to successfully apply to one of our military academies or a ROTC program, students are well advised to start early, from the beginning of high school on! Although the actual application process doesn't start until the spring of a student's junior year, both programs are highly competitive and students need to compile a resume that demonstrates involvement in extracurricular activities, athletic endeavors of some kind (which don't necessarily need to be a school sponsored team --- karate is perfectly acceptable!), leadership development as well as a strong academic record. Students who are interested in the military academies, including the Coast Guard*, are strongly encouraged to attend annual information sessions, open houses, and receptions sponsored by our Congressional representatives. You just might make an impression on an admission officer or nomination committee member who recognizes you by the time your Junior year comes around!

*The Coast Guard Academy doesn't require a congressional nomination for admission.

Given the selectivity of the four academies requiring a nomination from one of your congressional representatives, along with the competition to acquire an appointment, students should seriously consider applying to all four academies as well as each branches ROTC program. Having choices in the spring of your Senior year is a nice problem to have!

The following handouts summarize the requirements and process of applying to our military academies and the various branches of the ROTC program. Be sure to be proactive about the application process for both programs ---- missing a deadline will eliminate you!!

United States Military Academies

Reserved Officer Training Corps

Academy and ROTC Application Timelines
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