
The health team is available to administer medications that your child may need throughout the school day when we have the proper authorization forms signed by the appropriate parent/guardian and health care provider. We do not keep stock of over-the-counter medications for our students. If you want your child to have medications here at Thomas MacLaren School, please know that we require the completion of a Health Care Provider’s Authorization for the Administration of Medication by School Personnel for each individual medication to be administered at school. This includes both prescription and over-the-counter medications including cough drops, Tylenol, etc. The medication can only be given for the condition/concern listed on this form.

For all medications administered to students, the school nurse is accountable for knowing therapeutic effects, safe dosage, contraindications, and potential side effects. For this reason, the school nurse or any school staff cannot administer non-FDA approved substances at school, including herbs, supplements, essential oils, etc. 

Parents must submit the completed forms along with the medication in its original container directly to the health room staff. We cannot accept any medical documentation or medicine from students.

Students are allowed to carry and self-administer emergency (Inhaler and/or Epi-pen) medication only with a completed Authorization for the Administration of Medication by School Personnel along with self-carry contract form. When students self-carry a medication, it must be in the original container and kept secured with the student or in his or her locked locker. 

*Medications are not allowed to be shared with friends or siblings.*

  • If your child, of any age (Lower or Upper School), carries an Epi-pen/Auvi-Q/Adrenaclick, please complete the Contract to Students Carrying an Epi-pen/Auvi-Q/Adrenaclick form attached to the Allergy & Anaphylaxis Health Care Plan found on this website.
  • If your child, of any age (Lower or Upper School), carries a Rescue Inhaler, please complete the Contract to Students Carrying a Rescue Inhaler form attached to the Asthma Health Care Plan found on this website.
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